Ancient Aliens season 4
release year: 2012
genre: TV documentary (10 episodes)
viewing setting: home DVD 2/27 - 3/11/2021
synopsis: Aliens might have been involved in our world's history, as can be seen if you look at all the various potential evidence.
impressions: The producers have taken a basic concept (aliens visiting Earth in the past) and explored dozens of ways it could be tied to past and current historical events. Here are episodes from this season; I've boldfaced the ones I found most interesting:
episode 1: The Mayan Conspiracy (could these ancient people have gotten their knowledge from aliens?)
episode 2: The Doomsday Prophecies (could the world end at the end of 2012, as the Mayans predicted?)
episode 3: The Greys (focuses on the aliens most commonly described by people claiming to have seen them)
episode 4: Aliens and Mega-Disasters (describes past civilizations that were wiped out, and whether aliens might have caused that)
episode 5: The NASA Connection (did NASA have contact with aliens?)
episode 6: The Mystery of Puma Punku (details an ancient civilization with advanced building techniques)
episode 7: Aliens and Bigfoot (explores what link there might be between Bigfoot and aliens)
episode 8: The Da Vinci Conspiracy (could DaVinci have been inspired by, or linked to, aliens?)
episode 9: The Time Travelers (explores the idea that aliens might actually be time travelers)
episode 10: Aliens and Dinosaurs (evidence that humans and dinosaurs might have existed at the same time)
acting: The narration is strong and consistent, and the interviews are always interesting and entertaining.
final word: While some of these ideas may be unlikely or impossible, it's hard to believe that ALL of them are. This show will stimulate your mind.
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