Ancient Aliens season 6
release year: 2013
genre: TV documentary (11 episodes)
viewing setting: home DVD 5/3/21 - 7/10/21
synopsis: Aliens might have been involved in our world's history, as can be seen if you look at all the various potential evidence.
impressions: The producers have taken a basic concept (aliens visiting Earth in the past) and explored dozens of ways it could be tied to past and current historical events. Rather than list all of the season's episodes, I'll just point out the ones I found to be the most interesting:
episode 4: Magic of the Gods
episode 6: Alien Operations
episode 8: Mysterious Relics
episode 11: Aliens and Mysterious Mountains
acting: The narration is strong and consistent, and the interviews are always interesting and entertaining.
final word: While some of these ideas may be unlikely or impossible, it's hard to believe that ALL of them are. The guests/speakers aren't asking you to believe what they say - just to think about it with an open mind and do your own thinking. This show will definitely stimulate your mind.
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