Bad Asses

subordinate thug: “That old dude came in and kicked the shit out of everybody.”
main thug: “What old dude?”
subordinate thug: “You know, the old dude. Bad Ass.”
main thug: “I thought we had eliminated him.”
subordinate thug: “We almost did. Then some other old dude came in and...”
main thug: “What? What? Came in and what?”
subordinate thug: “Came in and kinda kicked all our asses.”
main thug: “Excuse me? You're saying a couple of old dudes beat the shit out of our guys?”
subordinate thug: “Yep. But they're not your typical old guys. Trust me. They're more like bad asses.”

release year: 2013
genre: action
viewing setting: home DVD, 6/3/17 and 6/29/14

synopsis: Bad Ass is quietly retired from kicking ass, and happily runs a boxing gym, until one of his students is murdered. This time, another old guy joins him as they go out to kick more ass.

impressions: An unnecessary but entertaining sequel. This is just a low-budget ass-kicking fest, and doesn't pretend to be anything more. He doesn't kick as much ass as he did in the first one, but there's also more going on here. Cool or funny elements include:
total number of people who got their asses kicked by Bad Ass: 9 (one of whom got his ass kicked twice, and another of whom got his ass kicked three times!) (plus a couple of guys who got taken out by a grenade)

total number of people who got their asses kicked by Danny Glover: 6 (plus one who he shot)

total number of lethal punches thrown by Bad Ass: 1

total number of doors kicked open by Bad Ass: 2

acting: Danny Trejo played dozens of minor roles until he finally achieved fame in recent years. It is good. Danny Glover is his grouchy old friend.

final word: Decent sequel, more of the same.

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