Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, season 1 episode 2, "Planet of the Slave Girls"
release year: 1979
genre: sci-fi TV)
viewing setting: home DVD 11/20/16
synopsis: In this double-length episode (actually a second TV movie) Buck and friends must deal with a sickness epidemic by investigating the planet where their food is made, where they find even more problems.
impressions: Based on what I saw here, the Earth defenses are weak indeed. I'd also like to note for posterity that there were, in fact, no slave girls. Well, maybe one. The planet that produces Earth's "food discs" employs slave labor, and the governor not only thinks that's okay but is also clueless that a religious fanatic with evil powers is subverting his people. This episode was really kind of silly. One thing it did have, however, was an abundance of guest stars. Jack Palance was totally hamming it up as an evil cult leader with glowing red death hands. Roddy McDowall was the clueless governor with no morals. Buster Crabbe (who played Flash Gordon in the 1936 serial, and Buck Rogers in the 1939 serial) was an old fighter pilot who came out of retirement to help the depleted Earth defense fleet.
acting: Gil Gerard is Buck Rogers, who's apparently completely acclimated to 25th century life since the first episode, and just kind of does what he wants. Erin Grey continues to look good in spandex while portraying a strong, take-charge female character. I've already noted the famous guest-stars.
final word: Decent episode, though it made me wonder just how far the human race had come (or failed to) in five hundred years.
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