The Bionic Woman: Doomsday is Tomorrow (part 1)
Jaime: "You realize that I have to get to the central core of this complex and stop this from happening, don't you?"
Alex 7000: It is foolish to even make the attempt."
Jaime: "Well, I'm going to."
Alex 7000: "The central core housing the Doomsday Device is more than a mile underground, and I have sufficient defenses to stop you. I am programmed to show no mercy. You will die if you make the attempt."
episode number: season 2, episode 13 (1977)
viewing setting: home DVD, 4/6/15
episode synopsis: Jaime has only a few hours to beat the defenses of a ten-floor underground military bunker run by a supercomputer, and get to the bottom and defuse the bomb that will otherwise destroy the world.
impressions: This was one of my favorite TV episodes of all time when I was a kid. She has to defeat artillery, laser cannons, a sheer cliff, a minefield, and locks in this first part - and all that's just to get into the top level of the complex and figure out what else needs to be done. Of note here: the world's worst diplomat, Mr. Satari (played by the guy who played Chuck Norris' boss in Forced Vengeance), who can't even consider that he might be wrong, and thus is responsible for dooming the world. What an idiot.
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