Cities of Tomorrow, episode 3 - New Cities

release year: 2015
genre: documentary
viewing setting: home streaming 1/23/25

synopsis: This series looks at ways to deal with the world's growing population and its needs - in this case, intentional design of cities and the use of technology to make them better.

impressions: This was really interesting material; while the previous episodes dealt with food production and energy, this one focused on planning and technology to make new cities that will be more efficient and easy to live in. Some interesting concepts included reducing or eliminating the need to travel within the city, building a place where people WANT to come and live, having all necessary infrastructure in place right at the start, and keeping the residents active so that they're healthier. Near the end, someone also brought up a concern I'd already thought of: a great city will need to be closed and protected, because others who come there won't have the same mindset and appreciation for what makes the city great

acting: n/a but the narration and interview segments are well-voiced, well-spoken, and interesting

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