release year: 2011
genre: drama
viewing setting: home streaming 7/2/22
synopsis: A new and deadly virus spreads across the world, threatening to wipe out humanity, as scientists race to find a cause and develop a vaccine.
impressions: While it came out nine years before the 2020 pandemic, this movie was scarily accurate about what could happen and how a pandemic would spread. I honestly believe that if more people had seen this and taken note, covid might not have spread so fast starting in early 2020.
acting: Laurence Fishburne is the main CDC guy, who's got a lot on his plate. Kate Winslet is one of his field people. Bryan Cranston is a military officer and his boss. Jennifer Ehle and Elliott Gould are other scientists. Gwyneth Paltrow turns out to be patient zero, a woman who was just living her live and ended up spreading the virus all over the place. Matt Damon is her husband, who seems to be immune. Anna Jacoby-Heron is their daughter, who's sometimes a bit of an idiot. Marion Cotillard is an epidemiologist who works on tracing the source of the virus. Jude Law is a conspiracy theorist and blogger who doesn't really get the severity of the situation.
final word: This is about as close to a worldwide pandemic as any movie ever got.
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