Doomsday Preppers, season 4, episode 3: To Fail is to Die
release year: 2014
genre: TV documentary
viewing setting: home streaming 4/26/23
synopsis: This episode covers three people who live in remote areas and are ready for bad times.
impressions: The first prepper (who fears World War 3) has a house deep in the frozen Montana wilderness, plus a backup plan. The second prepper (who fears terrorist attacks) has moved from the big city to a rural area, and employed taxidermy skills to make improvised IEDs. The third prepper (who fears natural disasters) has an extensive series of supplies and radio/communication systems.
acting: n/a but it's fun to see different personalities and how they approach challenges
final word: This one had some enviable setups - the remote home surrounded by wilderness and snow was particularly appealing.
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