Forced Vengeance
release year: 1982
genre: martial arts action
viewing setting: home DVD 8/7/22 and 5/5/09 and 9/6/05 and home VHS, 7/1/04
synopsis: An American cowboy bouncer in a Hong Kong casino alternately kicks @ss or finds out that all his loved ones have been murdered by the bad guys.
impressions: What I mean by the "synopsis" section above is that, had Chuck Norris and friends taken swift, decisive action when they had the chance, a lot of lives would have been spared. Instead, the bad guys take their beating, flee, then come back when Chuck isn't around and kill his boss, his war buddy, and his girlfriend. Yep, Chuck pretty much loses everyone in the course of this movie, which is why he has to beat the crap out of so many bad guys.
something this movie has that no other movie has: a shadowy karate fight backlit by neon signs
acting: Chuck Norris is a rarity: a guy who can fight AND act; he has great screen presence and a cool confidence before/during/after the @ss-kickings he dishes out.
final word: Revenge-heavy marital arts action movie.
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