Friday the 13th part VII: The New Blood
release year: 1988
genre: horror
viewing setting: home Bluray 12/22/22 and several more times from the 1990s and 1980s
synopsis: Jason stalks a couple houses' worth of people, but one of them has telekinetic powers.
impressions: This was the one with the superpowered girl. That made the last ten minutes pretty entertaining, as she used her powers to deploy a number of weapons and methods against Jason. This was also the first movie in the series to not take place at a camp, so no counselors were harmed in the making of this movie (instead it was just a bunch of friends trying to have a party in the middle of nowhere.) Other notable elements: Jason's exposed spinal column, yet another cheap scare involving a cat, a girl who flees into a toolshed but doesn't take advantage of the plethora of weapons within, the one guy randomly opening all the birthday presents of the missing birthday boy, Jason jumping through a window but shortly thereafter using the doorknob to open a door, Jason being unmasked yet another time to expose his ever-more-rotted face, a severed head stashed in the potted plant.
body count: 16 confirmed (15 courtesy of Jason.)
notable kills: victim in sleeping bag bashed against tree, party horn through eye, axe to face
acting: This is Kane Hodder's debut as Jason, and he brings some authoritative body language to the role. Lar Park Lincoln does a good job as the confused but powerful main girl. Kevin Blair is the hunk who befriends her and in doing so extends his lifespan as Jason runs wild. Terry Kiser is a real asshole of a doctor. Elizabeth Kaitan provides the bulk of the nudity this time around.
final word: Entertaining, and had an interesting idea.
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