What follows is a more spoiler-heavy discussion of the movie...
Godzilla's appearance: Okay, he looked kind of dorky. In the head, really - the rest was okay. But then again, it's not like we expected him to look exactly like he did back in the 60s and 70s. The computer-generated monster was fairly seamless overall, and he moved well amongst the puny human prey and their buildings and structures. It was fundamentally obvious that nothing could slow this monster down once he started tromping through the skyline.
Godzilla's tactics: Excellent! He dodged like Speedy Gonzales - missiles, helicopters, and whatnot. He also learned from his mistakes. He definitely played it smart!
the human supporting cast: Matthew Broderick made a good geeky scientist-type. Jean Reno made a good French spy/man-of-action. Hank Azaria made a good crazy cameraman. There was some young lady playing Broderick's ex, the token stupid reporter, but she irritated me. She should have gotten eaten - lord knows Godzilla had his opportunities.
humor: Many, many one-liners and wisecracks. It was all situational humor and it was mostly very funny.
the military's efforts: They tried, a valiant effort that included tanks, rockets, helicopters, jet fighters, submarines, M-60s, and plain old handguns. This requirement was satisfied.
death & destruction quotient: Mighty. Casualties include: a tanker, some fishing trawlers, a train, several hundred cars, three helicopters, a dozen tanks, about a hundred skyscrapers, a large number of stupid pedestrians and city-dwellers, and last but not least, the Chrysler Center. This requirement was definitely satisfied.
the unexpected factor: Godzilla is asexual and lays a clutch of eggs. No, not one, or three, or even ten. Try several hundred. Imagine if you will several hundred big velociraptors running around eating people. Oh, yeah. Nice surprise, and it kind of takes the focus away from the big G for a while.
pacing: It slowed a bit after they thought they'd killed Godzilla and began hunting for his eggs. That is a fairly minor complaint, but at least they filled the time well.
the unexpected: I actually felt sad when Godzilla breathed his last, and that is truly bizarre. I kinda wish they hadn't designed it this way. This is my only major complaint.