Lake Placid 3
"Listen! They're not your friends! They're wild animals. And wild animals live by a set of rules to ensure their survival. One of the rules is that they eat anything smaller than they are!" - Nathan
release year: 2010
genre: monster horror
viewing setting: home DVD 4/19/23 and 10/29/19 and 1/11/11 (during the "2011 snowstorm of Atlanta")
synopsis: Giant crocodiles are running amok in a small northern town, despite what anybody thinks.
impressions: It was pretty good, for a Sci-Fi original movie. There were a lot of funny lines and in-jokes. One minor problem involved cutting back and forth between different scenes - this is distracting when you switch between croc attacks. On the good side, there were plenty of croc attacks, some good-looking females who doubled as croc food, and the token stupid characters. One example: when you're hiking through the woods and find a severed elk head just sitting there on the trail, perhaps it's time to re-think the hiking trip, turn around, and go home. Elk don't just rip their own heads off and leave them lying around. Another stupid character with a shotgun managed to miss a point-blank shot at a croc's head, but soon after, he somehow accidentally hit another person who was twenty feet away.
body count: 1 lizard, 1 dog, 12 humans, 3 crocs (I think)
something this movie has that no other movie has: Someone killing (and decapitating!) a giant crocodile with a knife.
acting: Colin Ferguson (who looks an awful lot like Aaron Eckhart) is the fish and game guy, husband, and father. Kirsty Mitchell is his wilderness-disliking wife. Yancy Butler, who was the dumb female lead in Hard Target) is a tough female poacher/hunter who likes to attack giant crocodiles with a knife. Michael Ironside, gruff and pissed-off-looking as always, is the local police chief. Kacey Clarke is one of a group of college kids who picked the wrong place and time for a swimming trip. Mark Evans is her well-meaning but dim-witted boyfriend who comes looking for her. Jordan Grehs is perhaps the world's dumbest kid - he feeds baby crocs and then later feeds larger ones, all without a care in the world. He has absolutely no idea of the danger he's in, and technically, every death in this movie is his fault.
final word: Good giant crocodile cheese.
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