Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
release year: 2009
genre: giant monster horror/drama
viewing setting: home DVD 12/12/21 and 12/27/11
synopsis: Two gigantic prehistoric sea beasts are accidentally released from the Artcic ice, and proceed to wreak havoc until they find each other and resume their ancient battle.
impressions: This is classic made-for-TV bad movie. A few key sets (and a lot of CGI) are used to make a small budget go a long way. It's cheesy, and the plot is silly at times, but it's entertaining.
something this movie has that no other movie has: Just what this movie's trailer is famous for: the shark leaps out of the ocean and into the sky to grab an airliner.
acting: Deborah Gibson (yes, the singer from the 80s) is the main scientist lady, and has only two expressions here: serious and bemused. Victor Chao is a calm and thoughtful scientist who helps her out in more ways than one. Lorenzo Lamas is a naval bigwig who acts like a jerk and throws out cheesy lines.
final word: Decent giant-monster cheese.
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