release year: 2023
genre: cheesy monster horror/action
viewing setting: home DVD 2/21/24
synopsis: Not to be outdone by other unusual tornados, a new one forms that's got all sorts of creatures.
impressions: This was absolutely bonkers. They tied in sea creatures including dinosaurs from the past, the Bermuda Triangle was somehow involved, plus there were some subplots (an unexpected serial killer, some kind of terrorist and the secret agents hunting him.) The bulk of the plot takes place in some sort of hotel, which seems to exist to host parties for spoiled rich people. There were some plot holes and some bad acting, but all in all this was entertaining, although often stupid.
reviewer #1: "What happened?"
reviewer #2: "Maybe her leg broke itself because it knew this movie was so bad."
acting: Derek Miller was the overly-whiny and -worried main scientist guy. Danielle Scott was a rather odd FBI agent. Jase Rivers was some kind of bad guy whose capture happened right before the monsternado struck. Michael Siegel is a weird maintenance man for the hotel.
final word: This is what you get when you want your movie's tornado to contain every possible sort of lethal creature..
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