A Nightmare on Elm Street
release year: 1984genre: horrorviewing setting: home DVD, 10/6/99what I expected: something that might actually be scarywhat I got: somewhat original horror movie and concept
synopsis: Teens are menaced by an evil being who can appear in their dreams/nightmares and harm/kill them there.
impressions: It was fairly original and entertaining. The capabilities of the villain seemed clearly defined and consistent (this is important to me in this kind of movie.) The genuine shock/scare value wasn't as great as Halloween (or even Friday the 13th for that matter) but for most people, this would be a scary movie.
acting: Decent. Robert Englund tended to ham it up as the bad guy.
the good: A few scary moments, consistent bad-guy powers.
the bad: Slow at times, had moments of teen stupidity.
final word: Slightly above-average horror movie, definitely not a classic though.
rating: C
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