Queer Eye Japan
release year: 2019
genre: TV reality show (4 episodes)
viewing setting: home streaming 1/1-3/2021
synopsis: Five makeover experts, each with a specific area of expertise, work together to help people badly in need of new looks or escape from their ruts in life - in Japan!
impressions: this short season takes place in Japan, with the help of an unseen interpreter. Most of the peoples' issues here are rooted in different cultural norms, but they're still able to be helped. In this case, those people are Yoko (a 50-something hospice nurse who devotes all her time to her job), Kan (a young gay man who doesn't fit in in Japan), Kae (a manga artist with no social life), and Makoto (who's married in a sexless relationship due to his immaturity and lack of confidence.)
acting: There are five members of this cast, and each has a particular area of expertise (food, fashion, culture/relationships, design, grooming.) They're all interesting, knowledgable, and helpful. Some of those who they help are in real need of a kick in the ass to get out of whatever funk they've been in; watching that happen over the course of 45 minutes is entertaining, enlightening, and sometimes amazing.
final word: Entertaining, fun, and practical - great show!
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