The Six Million Dollar Man: The Return of the Bionic Woman (part 2)
episode number: season 3, episode 2 (1975)
viewing setting: home DVD, 3/3/11
episode synopsis: Steve helps Jaime remember how to use her bionics and go on a mission, but it's not looking good for life happily ever after for the two of them.
impressions: Jaime gets headaches and sees/hears things whenever she's reminded of her past. After she botches a mission, Steve decides that she needs to be elsewhere, away from him and thus the risk, for "as long as it takes." I usually like to see more action and sci-fi in these sorts of shows, but this was good, touching stuff. It also set the stage for Jaime's own, spinoff show to begin in January 1976, three months after this episode aired.
notable guest star: Lindsay Wagner is Jaime Sommers, Steve's amnesiac bionic ex-fiancee.
significant bionic antics: Bionic jogging, some leaping and steel-bending, eye-spying and ear-eavesdropping. It's getting pretty routine at this point.
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