The Bionic Woman: Kill Oscar (part 1)
episode number: season 2, episode 6 (1976)
viewing setting: home DVD, 6/4/12
episode synopsis: A disgruntled ex-OSI employee has created "Fembots" to infiltrate OSI and eventually steal a weather-controlling machine. When Oscar is kidnapped as part of this plan, a pre-arranged order goes out to kill him so his secrets don't fall into the wrong hands.
impressions: This one was pretty good, though it seems like an awful lot of effort to go to just to steal a machine that the guy invented (not to mention that he probably could have built another one.) There was plenty of evil robot fighting action, though people were still pronouncing it as "ro-butt."
notable guest stars: John Houseman is the bad scientist. Jack Colvin is an evil foreign agent.
significant bionic antics: Steve and Jaime play handball, bionically...Jaime punches through the steel side of a van...Jaime fights two Fembots and has to flee...she jumps too far vertically and damages her legs.
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