The Six Million Dollar Man: The Seven-Million Dollar Man

release year: 1975
genre: sci-fi/action TV
viewing setting: home VHS, 2/27/05

synopsis: Bionic spy Steve Austin learns of the existence of another cyborg, working for the same agency...but this guy's out of control and wants to use his new body to make money.

impressions: This was a good solid action episode which also dealt with the mental issues of having all four limbs destroyed, and then replaced. I guess it would be easy to get addicted to the thrill of being bionic.

things to watch for: The battle between Steve and Barney.

something this movie has that no other movie has: Two bionic men.

acting: Lee Majors does his usual job as Steve Austin. The actor who played the second bionic man did a pretty good job, too, showing how power can corrupt.

final word: Pretty good episode of this series.

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