The Six Million Dollar Man: The Death Probe (parts 1 and 2)

release year: 1977
genre: action/science-fiction TV
viewing setting: home DVD, 1/5/09 and 11/5/05

synopsis: Steve Austin (plus the Army and some Russian spies) face off against a wayward Venus probe that's accidentally landed on U.S. soil.

impressions: This was one of those episode that I just had to have, but after watching it, I realized that my childhood memories did it more justice than an adult mind will allow. The basic plot is good: hero vs unstoppable tank. The problem was one of logic: why does this thing pose a danger to the town in its path? All the probe does is drive around and run through fences. How can it "destroy the town" (Oscar Goldman's words) ? On top of that, if they really wanted to stop it, all they had to do was blast some craters or ditches around it - the probe had no apparent means of bypassing such an obstacle. Then there was the whole issue of internal pressure, not to mention the idea that a helicopter could lift this thing off the ground...urgh. Oh well.

something this movie has that no other movie has: a Venus probe with indestructible armor

final word: Just because this was one of the more memorable episodes doesn't make it as perfect as my 1970s mind remembered.

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