Skippy's Movie Reviews, #17: Bad Taste
Alien invasion movies. Sometimes we love 'em. Sometimes we hate 'em. Through it all, though, we always do one thing: watch 'em. Last night's entry into this field was a Peter Jackson movie. You may recall Mr. Jackson's fine work on "Dead Alive." This film, "Bad Taste", was actually made before the other, back in 1988 or so.
The plot is relatively simple: aliens have established a foothold on a remote island, and the government sends in a small team to assess the situation and take appropriate action. Sounds familiar, does it? Well, the familiarity ends there. Our heroes aren't super-commandoes in the Marcinko mold; rather, they're weirdos, people who talk to themselves, people who ignore danger as it approaches, people who read "Soldier of Fortune" while waiting for the aliens to show up.
As for the aliens, well, it turns out that Earthlings are the newest intergalactic delicacy, and these guys are here for some samples. They appear as normal human beings, sort of hiding inside the dead outer shell. It's not long before the humans and the aliens are mixing it up, battling their way across the island with the fate of Earth in the balance!
Some of the more memorable things: Derek wanders around for most of the movie with his brains hanging out of the hole in his head (he uses a belt to tie it shut) alien eats from the open bowl of a half-decapitated corpse's skull...a group of aliens eats some green vomit...a spike is driven through someone's foot...hurled machetes...sledgehammers...axes...dozens upon dozens of machine-gun deaths...a flying house...and a must-see scene involving a sheep being exploded by a rocket-propelled grenade!
Despite its slow pacing, this flick was often entertaining and sometimes downright hilarious. We're happy to give it a B.