Skippy's Movie Reviews, #18: Maximum Overdrive

Once upon a time, Stephen King wrote a short story about machines going bonkers in the wake of a comet. Now, we all know that people tend to do that, but this was 1985 and the time seemed ripe for yet another King movie adaptation. This time, he even directed.

The result wasn't great, but it was entertaining. We get to see an electric knife seek and destroy. We get to see a garbage disposal trick a person into sticking their hand down there...whaddya think happened next? We get to see a soda machine bombard a hapless fool. We get to see a lawnmower go after a kid (fear not, he caught on pretty quick.)

Most of the movie centers on a band of survivors holed up in a gas station. Some of them are good guys, others are scumbags. Most of them are just plain stupid, annoying, or both. Frequent jokes and deaths keep things moving. A nice bonus is the good, loud soundtrack by AC/DC.

As I said, it's no classic, but it is entertaining in that cheesy way. C+.