
release year: 2022
genre: fantasy/drama
viewing setting: theater 5/7/23

synopsis: A teenaged girl learns of doorways between worlds, and the need to keep them closed.

impressions: This was top-notch animation with an equally top-notch musical score. It dealt with this girl who has a series of adventures centered around doorways that spring up in ruined areas, allowing an evil worm to break through. Her companions include a college student with strange powers, a talking cat, and an animated chair. The plot was a bit tough to follow at times, and had some slower parts amidst the fantastic spectacles, but the story was deep and rich.

acting: Acting doesn't really apply to animated features, but the voice work was well-done. Nanoka Hara was the voice of the heroine, while Hokuto Matsumara provided the voice of the "Closer" who she joins.

final word: Very well-done animated fantasy adventure.

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