Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell

"The bigger the problem, the bigger the hammer."   - Swackhamer

release year: 2018
genre: monster action/comedy
viewing setting: home DVD 1/22/23

synopsis: Burt and son head to Canada to help some researchers deal with monsters.

impressions: It wasn't perfect, but it was consistent and entertaining, as all of these have been. There was a major link to past continuity, decent CGI, and a variety of characters. Other notable elements: cold climate, DARPA team next door, infection, the big worm hurling itself out of the ground (this also happened in the previous installment), some teamwork, lots of South African actors (again), juicy monster explosions with slime and guts a-plenty, a crazy final plan, random unnamed scientists who survived to the end.

body count: 9

acting: Michael Gross is back again as Burt, but he'll need help to survive this time. Jamie Kennedy is his son and sidekick, with whom he argues most of the time. Tanya van Graan is the head scientist, and Jamie-Lee Money is a plucky younger intern. Rob van Vuuren is the engineer who's useful. Adrienne Pearce is the crusty old pilot (female this time.)

final word: Formulaic but fun entry in this monster series.

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