Triassic Hunt
"From now on, this is not about retrieval. This is about survival." - Luis
release year: 2021
genre: dinosaur action
viewing setting: home streaming 9/12/22
synopsis: Two dinosaurs get loose in an industrial park and must be hunted by some mercenaries...but all is not as it seems.
impressions: This was pretty entertaining. Low-budget, but entertaining. There were these two genetically-engineered allosaurs (apparently it wasn't enough that they got created in the first place...they were also designed to be smarter and more dangerous.) A supposed elite military team is sent to capture them, alive if possible; most of these soldiers actually seemed halfway competent. I would question why their commanding officer just sat in a room and led the operation from a desk (which is a staple of Asylum monster movies, there's always a small group monitoring the action from a safe place) but whatever. There was plenty of CGI, combat, blood, kills, and general mayhem.
acting: Sienna Farall is the female soldier, who's fairly tough and kind of takes charge. Ramiro Leal is the commander who doesn't actually participate much. William Jeon is a sword-wielding soldier who's fairly competent. Kevin Keeling is another competent one, a sniper. Todd Karner provides some levity as a Russian soldier who's constantly joking about things. Kristie Krueger is the main semi-evil scientist, and Linnea Quigley is very annoying (in the same way Linda Hamilton was in Terminator: Dark Fate) as a corporate moron who doesn't understand why the dinosaurs can't be taken alive. Michael Pare is the evil executive behind everything.
final word: Surprisingly entertaining and decently-made dinosaur action cheese.
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