Wild Beauty - "Solo Bushcraft - Challenge to make a house from a termite nest, Safe in the Rainforest/Part 1"

release date: 12/7/2021
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 10/20/23

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the jungle and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: In this 27-minute episode, she sets out to build a small hut. It starts off quietly, with a walk through the jungle and the dog having to keep up, and then having to be carried. Then she stops to rest, builds a fire, makes a small clay ball and is amused by it. After this, she finds an old termite nest and clears away all the brush around and on it - and over it, which entails some tree climbing work. Then she climbs on top of the nest and starts flattening its top...which reveals that there are still live termites there. Now this, I don't understand (not how there could still be termites, but why she's building atop their nest.) And of course, she's barefoot during all this. And the dog can't even climb up the now-shorter slope of the nest. She measures a curcle and uses bamboo to construct a sturdy frame, then covers it with homemade mortar fashioned from excavated dirt, stream water, and grass - which she mixes with her bare feet (no sign of remaining termites at this point.) And then she sprinkles green vegetable seeds all over the finished hut, for some reason. All of a sudden it's night and she's cooking meat and vegetable kabobs over the fire...and the dog eats one (making his lifetime score 8-2-2-1-1, as 8 times it accepted the food, 2 times it didn't, twice no food was served, once the dog wasn't shown at dinnertime, and one episode was a compilation.) Anyhow, then they go to sleep (not in the hut, which I assume is still drying) and a blurb tells us that this is to be continued.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_S8h4-os1I

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman doing cool stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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