Wild Beauty - "5 Days Solo Bushcraft - While Distracted, My Pet Was Attacked by a Python - Part 2"

release date: 1/11/2022
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 10/28/23

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the jungle and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 24-minute episode centers around one of the few jungle beasts that Wild Beauty doesn't kill and eat: a python that menaces her pets. Things start off with the usual morning routine (she cooks food, the dog and monkey sleep until the food's ready) and after all that, the dog licks but won't actually eat the muffin. The woman fails to catch pond fish with her bare hands, so she builds a multi-spiked spear and gets a whole bunch. While she's cooking them, one or both of her pets (it's never made clear) run afoul of a huge snake, so she has to run and get them and carry them back to camp, where she bundles them up in a blanket before building them a little house to sleep in. (I'm not clear on how them having their own place makes up for the snake encounter, but perhaps I'm not meant to know.) The monkey definitely enjoys sleeping on (and fondling) the dog's nuts, I will say that. Anyway, when the fish is finally cooked, the dog does eat some, while the monkey refuses his, it looks like because he wants the piece of fish the dog got.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUr3ifeDmAY

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman doing cool stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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