Wild Beauty - "While sleeping, suddenly... Trying to Cure Parasites For a Small Python P.2"
release date: 11/9/2022
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 10/3/24
synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.
impressions: This 25-minute segment starts off with Wild Beauty out gathering wood and everyone else sleeping...except the sizable snake that's slithering into the camp. She flips out and moves her pets to safety, then starts examining the snake...it's all messed up, with a swollen head that looks infected. She chews up some leaves to make a green juice which she puts on the snake's head, then releases it into the wild...and then builds a hanging basket for her pets to sleep in, safely off the forest floor. After that she builds a small fence for her campsite, and then she makes some bamboo piping to divert water so she can take a shower. The End.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQD9noNuXQU
acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.
final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.
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