Wild Beauty - "Survival Fishing - Spectacular Camera Captures Sharp Tooth Fish Eating a Centipede P.4"
release date: 11/13/2022
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 10/7/24
synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.
impressions: This 27-minute episode starts with her making a hat and sandals out of thin vines (while, naturally, the animals sleep.) Then it's fishing time! She makes a pole and tries her luck in a lake, using a big-ass centipede as bait. Meanwhile, the monkey catches and eats a small crab. Go, little monkey! And Wild Beauty catches a large, toothy fish. Go, Wild Beauty! Anyone who's been watching these for a while knows what's coming next: fire and cooking dinner. Although it looks like she burned the fish a little, the feast is still on (although the dog doesn't eat any of the meat, which is fine with the monkey who claims that share too.)
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RorMdsF_0o
acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.
final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.
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