Wild Beauty - "Determined to Subdue Wild Boars - Efforts to Dig a Big Trap Hole, Part 11"
release date: 2/12/2023
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 1/19/25
synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.
impressions: This 35-minute episode is part 11, in which Wild Beauty will presumably tackle her homesite's wild boar problem. It's morning, it's rained, and off she goes into the forest where she soon digs a really big pit, like 4-5 feet deep and maybe ten feet square. The dog and the monkey look on, as always. She has to haul all that dirt out manually, one bucketful at a time, which leaves some blisters on her hands, but that doesn't stop her from fashioning a bunch of nasty spikes out of big bamboo branches. These are installed in the bottom of the pit, which she then covers with a thin lattice of slender bamboo topped with leaves, to hide it. And then she leaves...and later a boar wanders around in the area. I'm just gonna say it right now, before I hit "Play" again to see what happens: this could be the greatest moment in the history of Wild Beauty's videos. But I (and you) will have to wait until the next episode, because this one ends on that cliffhanger.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgQGAj3Vb3k
acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.
final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.
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