Wild Beauty - "Check Out the Boar Trap and the Surprise...- Aim and Successfully Shoot a Wild Chicken, Part 16"

release date: 3/9/2023
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 1/21/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 28-minute episode is part 16 of this story arc, and this one's all about Wild Beauty roaming the woods and finding/hunting/killing animals for food. First up is the huge snake that made its way into her wild boar pit trap (a trap whose full potential we have yet to witness.) She removes the snake and, despite my predictions, doesn't kill it for a later meal; instead, she releases it into the wild and continues on her way after fixing and re-hiding the trap and its cover. Next up is a big fat turkey (this video says chicken, but it looked like a turkey to me.) I guess she could let the snake go because she had loftier goals in mind. The bird, whatever the hell it is, just sits there on a tree branch...and she has a big crossbow. Guess what happens next. Returning to base with her kill (despite slipping and huring her leg) she soon covers the turkey/chicken in mud (!) and lets it sit in the fire for a while, which apparently is a valid cooking method. She, and the dog, are soon enjoying the hell out of that tasty roasted bird meat.

link: (original 2023 video is gone, but this segment can be found at the beginning of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfyO61-YSEE )

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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