Wild Beauty - "A Wild Boar Falls into a Trap - The Joy is not Over, Then the Bad Happens..., The End"

release date: 3/16/2023
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 1/21/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 32-minute episode is part 17 of this story arc, and starts with a bath in the pool. After that, she finds some birds and tries to shoot them with the crossbow, but misses. Then, apparently the dog is missing and she has to go look for it...and finds it somehow stuck in some bushes. What the hell? Not only is it lazy, it's stupid. And frankly, I'm disappointed in the monkey for not helping solve this problem - we all know he's capable. Anyhow, the next thing is Wild Beauty weaving yet another basket and then using it and a bamboo pipe to smoke out some underground rats that she found. She somehow cleans then off-screen (the camera work is blurry) and then it's back to the camp for roasted rats over the campfire! The monkey gets some (because it's smart) while the dog just sleeps through dinnertime (because it's stupid.) And then it's morning, and time for Wild Beauty to do hurdle stretches (!) before heading back out into the forest...where she soon finds that a wild boar finally fell for her spiked pit trap. (Get it..."fell for" ?) The small camera she left in the pit shows the past footage of the thing falling in and being killed, after which she builds some sort of harness to help pull the body out of the pit. But then...per the video caption..."Something bad happened when I got home..." Indeed it did: once near the house, she has to hide in the forest and watch as a gang of masked, armed punks completely ransacks her house, trashing most of it. And the episode ends with a message from Wild Beauty that she's fine and staying with relatives, and will be back soon. And that's the end of the episode. So my thoughts...I know this is all staged and there's got to be a camera crew, so it's not for sure if the danger was real...but if it was, then these are the sorts of things she needs to think about (as an attractive woman all by herself) before wandering off into the wilderness to have adventures. And there's a part of me that wished she had attacked and driven away the gang of vandals.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sea2fAIrL8Q

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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