Wild Beauty - "Renovating the Vegetable Garden and Catching Eels in the Swamp Bamboo Cabin and Alone Life, Part 5"

release date: 5/16/2023
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 1/27/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 44-minute episode is part 5 of this current arc, and the first order of business is for Wild Beauty to sharpen her chisel. She does this so that she can remove parts of her house's outer wall and plant vegetables in the hollow bamboo pipes. As she starts working on this, the monkey plays in the trees. After the soil and seeds are put in the new planters, she affixes a blade to another piece of bamboo to make a hoe, which she uses to till a whole bunch of ground before sowing it with seeds. Meanwhile, the dog and monkey lie around and frolic. Next, she cuts up a shit-ton of bamboo and uses the pieces to completely fence in the new garden plot. With all that work done, she heads off into the forest to wash up and...to catch an eel she spotted? It fights to not get caught, but it loses and she bundles it up using the bottom of her shirt as a makeshift pouch. Soon, a second and third eel are caught and stored in the same manner. Nearby, the monkey wanders around in the mud, digging for eels like he just saw her do (although without any luck, even as she catches a fourth eel.) After that, she finds a pond and takes a bath, sassily throwing her wet clothes up onto a thornbush. The dog and monkey just sit there, half-asleep but allowing her her modesty by facing the other way. (And I don't know what the hell she did with the eels while she was naked.) Back at the house, she uses bamboo pipes to cook rice, then strings up the skins of the now-dead eels over the fire while their meat goes into a pot with vegetables and spices. And meanwhile, the pets - you guessed it - just sit around sleeping or goofing off as usual. Night falls, and dinner is ready! Both animals seem to like the eel meat, and the monkey runs around on the roof...and that's a wrap.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-bdw9B9wB0

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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