Wild Beauty - "Make a Trap to Catch Wild Wolf and Install Hidden Camera - Surprise in the Stormy Night..., Part 11"

release date: 7/2/2023
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 1/29/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 33-minute episode is part 11 of the current arc, and starts off with the monkey lying atop the (sleeping) dog, chewing on a banana stem, and adjusting the camera. Let's take a minute to think about this: the monkey helps knock fruit out of trees, he can detect intruders in the camp, he knows the camera's there, he knows to hang out with Wild Beauty when she's bathing, he even examined her shorts while she was in the water. I say that little guy's really intelligent. Anyway, Wild Beauty has to be pissed by now. In recent episodes, she never could catch the big lizard, and now the little wolves came and stole the rest of her fish. So she goes out and catches more fish, while the dog stands there watching and the monkey rides on the dog's back. She uses rocks, mud, and bamboo to build a big-ass cage, and then she puts some fish there as a lure, and sets up a camera. Then she wanders off and takes a bath, because constructing traps for wayward little wolves is hard work. The dog, for a change, hangs around the bathing pond instead of sleeping. Oh, wait, I gave him too much credit - he must have wanted a free bath, because she pulls him into the water and cleans him. What a lazy fuck this dog is. Wild Beauty returns to camp and eats, as does the monkey, but again the dog refuses fish; one wonders how he survives. Maybe he's just hungry all the time. Night falls, and they all go to sleep...but later, elsewhere, in the middle of the night...he camera catches that little wolf nosing around the trap area. And it actually goes INSIDE the cage...and the episode ends. I wouldn't mind so much if I knew for sure that the next episode would show the outcome...but I don't know that, because in the past, these story arcs have just been abandoned as a new adventure begins. Such is the randomness of Wild Beauty.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOouBPc1PXI

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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