Wild Beauty - "Struggling Out of the Swamp - Cold Cave Emergency Shelter Bushcraft Survival P.1 - Series III"

release date: 7/18/2023
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/8/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 26-minute episode starts a new story arc, because continuity be damned, we're just never going to find out what happened with past cliffhangers. Those include the wild boar that was raiding her garden, the big lizard that she could never catch, and the miniature wolf that she built a cage-trap for. Unresolved plot arcs, all. Shame on you, Wild Beauty. Shame on you for leaving us hanging so many times. Anyway...this one opens with her and the pets walking through a shallow stream, headed into a rocky area with deeper water. Of course, the dog had to be picked up and carried across part of this terrain. They soon find a waterfall and stop to rest, and she feeds the pets some multicolored treats. Maybe they're dog food. Maybe they're M&Ms. Maybe they're LSD? Whatever they are, they must be good, because they all get eaten. And then, spontaneously, it's time for a bath in the pool beneath the waterfall, after which jungle explorations resume. She finds a cliff, throws a hook and rope up, and is soon climbing right up that thing. Then she enters a marshy area and digs up some small eels (or perhaps large worms?) And then she trips and falls in the water, and seems to struggle for a while before emerging. The dog and monkey somehow aren't around for this part, but they reappear soon after when she finds a small, clean pond and takes her second bath of the day. More wandering leads her to a small cave with running water, where she builds a fire, cooks the eels/worms, and eats them while sharing with the pets. Then she sets up a sleeping bag and they all tuck in for the night, and that's it.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXlk-WwgkZ8

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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