Wild Beauty - "Revisiting the Old Bamboo Cabin - The Strength of a Young Lady Bushcraft Survival P.1 - Series I"

release date: 10/12/2023
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/8/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 35-minute episode is part 1 of a new storyline, and also a new Wid Beauty. Or is it the original girl from the first Youtube episodes in 2021? Whatever the case, her latest adventure starts with a bath in a pond, which means adventure for the monkey too as it jumps all over her and gets soaking wet itself. A butterfly shows up briefly to look colorful, and then Wild Beauty is on the move (and wearing the same army jacket that the previous iteration wore.) She heads to one of the cabins that one of the Wild Beauties built in the past - I'm not sure which episode, as all of these dwellings tend to get confusing. She makes a broom out of bamboo and cleans up around the porch and yard, then gets to work on the garden. I think this is one of the more recent houses that was built...I'll try and check and then update this episode review. During all this work, the dog and monkey do nothing buy lie around, while a caterpillar and a worm each make a brief, uncredited cameo appearance. When the ground is tilled and ready, she plants seeds. You know, the monkey could have helped with this. If it was so inclined, of course. Speak of the devil, here comes that monkey now...but he's not interested in planting seeds, he just wants to eat them; when that doesn't work out for him, he just scampers away. Hey, this IS the cabin from a recent arc - the one that began on 4/11/2023. Wild Beauty continues with the general cleanup and planting chores, then makes a fire, then wanders back into the forest (which is kind of irresponsible, if you think about it.) She secures the center portion of a bamboo tree to use as a rice cooker; I won't question how or why this works, but rather simply accept it as truth. Eggs and canned meat round out the dinner ingredients, and when it's all done she shares the food with both pets. Then the bedroll comes out and everyone goes to sleep.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm4tMPC4GQg

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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