Wild Beauty - "Terrifying Rain Forest Parasitic Leeches, Snakes and Dangers Wild Beauty Returns, Part 1"
release date: 5/29/2024
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/9/25
synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.
impressions: This 56-minute episode has a Youtube datestamp more than seven months after the last published video. Wonder why? Let's delve into it and find out! So first off...I don't think this is the same woman who was in the last two episodes seven months ago (10/12 and 10/22/23) because they look a little different to me. I'm gonna take a minute here and recap the various Wild Beauties to the best of my knowledge:
the first one was in episodes from 9/23/2021 through 4/26/2022 and was pale, a tiny bit plump, and had a tattooed word under one collarbone
the second one was in episodes from 6/1/2022 through 8/30/2022 and was lean, pale, and had no tattoos
the third one was in episodes from 10/30/2022 through 7/26/2023 and was lean, more serious, and had tattooed dates under both collarbones and other tattoos on both upper arms
the fourth one was in episodes from 10/22/2023 and 10/29/2023 and was pale, a tiny bit plump, but had no visible tattoos
(this is where I'm still unsure) the woman I THINK is the fifth Wild Beauty first appears here, 5/29/2024 and is pale and a tiny bit plump with no tattoos...but I don't think it's the same person as #4 above. It might be the same person as #2 especially given this episode's title, but it's tough to compare them due to lighting and camera angles in different videos over the years...I'll keep trying to figure this out. I should also add that, based on the comments in the Youtube video, this new/old girl is Ly and Wild Beauty #3 (the serious one) is Lan. Useful knowledge as I continue to work to solve the mystery.
So with that out of the way, it's time to ask...what sort of action is going down in the forest today? Well, first of all, the monkey is messing with a fierce little lizard who he's pissed off (probably because he keeps tapping it on the head) until finally the lizard bites the monkey's finger and he falls off the branch. Oh, also, he's now got a little backpack. They all march through the forest, and then it's raining so they take shelter under a rock overhang. Nearby, a tiny leech inches along for a bit before eventually landing on her leg. However, she's spotted a hole in the rock and finds a scorpion inside....and then they all go to sleep. Well, maybe not the scorpion...who knows? An hour later, Wild Beauty wakes up to find the dog gone, but growling can be heard somewhere nearby so she has to go out and look for him. And this is typical behavior for this dog, too. But wait, it gets better! She finds him holed up near a rattlesnake's nest...with a clear path to run away, but instead he's just curled up there while the snake hisses menacingly. So she grabs moron-dog and runs away whimpering. All this in the first five minutes of the episode! After some wandering, she starts cutting down vines...and then the monkey's got one of those leeches stuck on his head, and she has to pull it off. What is this, "stupid pets day" ? Anyway, with all that horseshit taken care of, she builds a hanging hammock-basket out of vines and branches. Nearby, the pets are left to their own devices (which, given everything they've done today, is probably not a real good idea.) She adds a ladder, sets up bedding and a lantern, builds a fire, and then cooks a hunk of meat in the fire. She eats, and also feeds both pets, although after all their dumb antics I'm not sure they deserve any dinner. Anyhow, after everyone's eaten, it's bedtime.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIWKapaA9D8
acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.
final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.
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