Wild Beauty - "While Sleeping at Midnight, the Pet Cried Loudly Because it Saw.../ Wild Beauty, Part 3"
release date: 6/25/2024
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/9/25
synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.
impressions: This 43-minute episode is part 3 of the current story arc and starts with the monkey staring into the camera. He knows, I tell you...he KNOWS. Meanwhile, the lazy-ass dog sleeps in the background. Wild Beauty wakes up, stretches, and then spots the big snake hanging around the door to her shelter. She wastes no time apprehending that thing, carries it outside, removes one of those tiny inchworm-like leeches from it...and then releases it into the wild. And with that, she's off into the forest, followed by the dog who probably doesn't know what else to do. Wild Beauty collects a bunch of vines and weaves a basket while the monkey plays and the dog sleeps. The basket takes a while, and when it's done, she carries it off into the forest...and the monkey hitches a ride in the new basket! She collects and peels some bamboo shoots...and now that monkey is secreted away INSIDE HER SHIRT. As a friend once said, that monkey is living his best life. Next up, she goes to a pond and catches a bunch of small eel-like fish. Heck, maybe they are eels; the ways of Wild Beauty are not for me to understand. The basket comes in handy to carry these fish, just like it came in handy to carry all the other things (bamboo, monkey.) She also talks to herself, or perhaps to the monkey; then they head back to the hobbit-house she's currently crashing in and she digs a fire-pit, chops some wood, builds a fire, and prepares all the food. Thankfully, the eel-like fish have stopped wriggling by now. It all goes into foil and then into the fire, as does some rice and water cooked within a bamboo tube as usual. Everyone rests for a while, then the food's ready and they all eat (apparently both the monkey and the dog like eel-fish.) After that, they all go to sleep...but thanks to the static camera and its night-vision, we later see a snake sneak through the house's open door and into the bedding. At 1:41 am, the monkey wakes up and wanders around, and we see more snakes moving around inside the sleeping area! The monkey somehow doesn't notice them and just goes back to sleep...and then at 3:11 am shit gets real. All of them - Wild Beauty, the dog Vau, and the monkey Nu - are asleep and covered in snakes! Fortunately, Wild Beauty wakes up and evacuates herself and her pets. Then she comes back and throws the snakes out one by one, and that's that for what I'm going to call Snake Night.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC-Z_DkBpRM
acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.
final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.
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