Wild Beauty - "Building a Safe Shelter Cabin in a Big Tree - The Effort and New Beginning of 2 Sisters, Part 1"
release date: 10/14/2024
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/11/25
synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.
impressions: This 40-minute episode - the first new one on the Youtube channel after three compilations on 8/22, 9/4, and 9/8/2024 - starts off on a confusing note with the caption "Part 6"...which makes no sense because the 8/14/24 episode was titled part 6. Will the mystery be cleared up in this episode? I doubt it, but let's find out. It begins with Wild Beauty tromping through the forest, along with the monkey which is riding atop the dog. The girl has a tattoo on one bicep, which means either the last girl got it and this is her, or else this is a new girl. Whoever she really is, she's calling out to someone as she walks...and it turns out to be another woman, dressed similarly (except with a black tank top instead of a white one) for outdoor adventure. That's right, there are now TWO Wild Beauties! You know, the only way this could get better is if there were also two monkeys and two dogs. These girls know each other, though one doesn't seem to know the pets so I think she's new. I'm still not sure who is who and which of them may have appeared in the past, but my confusion is irrelevant now as they continue through the forest together. At the 2:23 mark comes another surprise, as the dog is leading the way! That...seldom happens. Maybe his brain is confused by the dual Wild Beauties? At any rate, they soon stop and decide it's time to work and build something, and so they do - while the pets lay around and sleep, because some things never change no matter how many Wild Beauties are around. Branches and vines are cut, knives and saws and hammers and nails and wires and drills are employed, and to be quite honest, two can work a lot faster than one. The end result is a platform and cabin in the trees. The one in the white shirt seems to be a little more industrious, and goes on to make a rocket stove out of a large log. Then they both team up to cook dinner: egg sandwiches on bread. And i can appreciate that, because it's something even I could cook. They don't make sandwiches for the pets, although they do hand over some small pieces. There are also drinking cups made from bamboo, which are used with boiling water to make tea. And then the Wild Beauties sit and relax on their new cabin's deck as they stare out into the night while talking in a language that we can't understand, and which Youtube's captioning can't decipher (except for the final "good night" part.)
a very special message: I want to clarify something about my reviews of Wild Beauty videos. Some might wonder if reviewing things that are less than an hour long should count as a "movie" or a "thing" or whatever metric is commonly used for tallying one's reviews of media. Rest assured that watching one of these in a way that lets me write reviews like this one takes about double the video's pure running time - pausing/rewinding constantly, making notes, summarizing events, and injecting some humor is not trivial work. So yes, these reviews count.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDTWtxF9mN8
acting: There's no acting; this is (now) two women (and their dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.
final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.
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