Wild Beauty - "Effort To Complete The Wooden Cabin Shelter - Overnight In The Old Tree, Part 2"
release date: 10/31/2024
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/11/25
synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.
impressions: This 33-minute episode is part 2 of the current arc, which features two Wild Beauties; I'm going to call them Wild Beauty White (white tank top) and Wild Beauty Black (black tank top.) They break down their sleeping tent and blanket and then WBW heads into the forest. cuts a thick log into sections, and pushes/drags the pieces back to base. There, she cuts thin wooden discs from those logs. Meanwhile, WBB works on sections of wall, and is soon joined by WBW for this effort. WBB also makes triangular A-frames out of bamboo. Over the course of what looks like several hours, a complete cabin is put together; it even has an oval entry opening. As expected, the two animals either sleep or wander about aimlessly this entire time. The cabin doesn't have actual walls, but it does have a sturdy frame around which tarps can be draped to keep the weather out. The pets are fed some sort of pet food from a jar, I guess because there won't be time to cook a real meal and share it with them. Dinner for the dual Wild Beauties looks like two slices of bread apiece, and some water. Night falls, and that's it for this one.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMhhsdDjF7g
acting: There's no acting; this is (now) two women (and their dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.
final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.
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