Wild Beauty - "Bushcraft Sisters: Building a Sturdy Treehouse - The Smart Way to Roof Wood Tiles, Part 3"

release date: 11/14/2024
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/11/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 38-minute episode is part 3 of the current arc, in which the dual Wild Beauties continue work on the cabin. The episode opens with footage of a big, hovering hornet, but that's really just a decoy. The Wild Beauties are already up and working - sawing logs into thinner discs and pulling down vines from the trees. Wild Beauty Black even loads all those vines onto a long bamboo pole and just hauls them through the forest. Today's work involves building bed-platforms too, and the pets come to see what's going on, realize they have no role, and promptly fall asleep right there in the work area. Once WBB is done with the beds, she lies on one for a break, and is soon joined by the pets who plop down and resume their day of laziness. Meanwhile, Wild Beauty White is still working on the thin slices of log, as she trims a bunch of them and brings them to the cabin. Where is Wild Beauty Black now? Not napping, that's for sure. So all these slices of wood are going to become the roof of the cabin; WBW adds nails to hold them in place and then lays them down. Oh, and WBB has returned to help prepare more makeshift roof tiles. Nearby, the monkey chews on a pencil. Before long, the roof is fully in place; it's like I said in the review of a previous episode, two Wild Beauties can work a lot faster. And hey, the wooden tiles aren't just for the roof, they're also going to be the walls! Wow. The women shave and melt some candle wax to use as sealant for the joints in all those wooden slabs. This is pretty impressive, I must say. And also a ton of work...which compels them to their next activity: a double skinny-dipping bath in a nearby stream-fed pool. The dog can't deal with the fast-moving stream so he has to just stand there on the sidelines wagging his tail. So here we have it, after dozens of episdes spanning four different years: two Wild Beauties are naked and bathing together, talking and laughing and splashing each other the whole time. And the poor dog can't join them, and stands there looking so sad. And, probably because it just doesn't get any better than this, the episode fittingly ends there.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzyRbNbPw9w

acting: There's no acting; this is (now) two women (and their dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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