Wild Beauty - "Bathing and Hunting - Prepare for the Hunt/Digging Wild Tubers, Installing a Water Trough, Part 5"

release date: 12/15/2024
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/11/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 35-minute episode is part 5 of the current arc, and wastes no time getting started as Wild Beauty White is already taking a bath in the pond, as the animals lazily stand by and wait for further direction. After she's dressed, she wanders away and soon finds some vines that must lead to something underground because she goes and cuts down a small tree to make a crude shovel. Then she digs up a bunch of tubers (nutrient-filled roots, e.g. potatoes.) The newfound food requires a carrying case, and so she chops down vines and weaves a basket. The monkey tries to climb in there too but he isn't quite fast enough; they all head into the forest and are soon back home. Elsewhere, Wild Beauty Black is busy chopping down bamboo, and then Wild Beauty White is cutting up huge logs. Is this somehow a contest and no one told me? WBW turns a big log piece into a wooden trough, whle in the background are dozens of (what look like) peppers hung up to dry. Nearby, WBB's job is to install a piping system she made from bamboo, and presto! they've got running water to their house. The trough holds quite a bit of water, which they can now use for drinking, washing, and cooking. Throughout all of this labor, the dog and the monkey have just laid there looking bored. Anyway, the tubers go into the fire, but the pets get the same old dog food pellets. The Wild Beauties, on the other hand, get steaming hot tubers plus whatever those pepper-like things were (they might be shrimp or tiny fish, I'm really not sure.) Whatever they are, the dog eats one when it's given to him, so maybe they're seafood after all. And with that, it's bedtime for everyone.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VVPnS-O2e4

acting: There's no acting; this is (now) two women (and their dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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