Wild Beauty - "Detect prey! use Hunter Skills and Catch Prey Underground, Part 6"

release date: 12/26/2024
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/11/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 37-minute episode is part 6 of the current arc and opens with a close-up of the same big, nasty yellow/black spider we've already seen a couple of times during this storyline. Today, Wild Beauty White is roaming the forest...and finds droppings, which lead her to an underground burrow. Amazingly, the dog tries sticking his face in the hole, but has no luck with whatever his plan was. Wild Beauty White has more ability to strategize, however; she plugs one entrance to the burrow and chops down some bushes to use their leaves to weave a basket and a smaller, conical trap. The latter is put over the other entrance and secured with dirt. Then she removes the plug from the first entrance and builds a fire there to smoke the burrow's occupants out and into the trap at the second entrance. Nearby, the dog sleeps nd the monkey lays there looking sad; perhaps he realizes that fellow jungle-animals are about to be killed for food? Anyway, a large rat slowly, tentatively emerges and enters the trap, which we can see due to...trap-cam! Soon, the basket-trap is filled with rats as the family empties out of their home and into the imminent slaughter. I have to admit, this part was kind of sad. What would you do if you were sitting in your home minding your own business and then someone forced you and your whole family out and into a container? Wild Beauty White doesn't give a damn, though; she de-shirts to cover the trap (presumably to avoid being bitten by any of the captive rat family) and is soon heading home with all these doomed rats. She makes a stop at the stream to drown and skin them, and also puts them on a makeshift bamboo spit (for the record, there are five total...two larger ones and three smaller ones, which as they're shown all together on the spit disturbingly reminds me of those vehicle window stickers with two larger figures representing parents and multiple smaller ones representing children.) Soon, Wild Beauty White is home and the rats are over the fire. Next, she puts little shirts on the monkey and the dog, and gives them their food pellets, and chops some firewood, and then cuts down a thick bamboo tree and makes some containers with lids. It's unclear what exactly Wild Beauty Black has been doing this whole time, although she was hammering away in the background when WBW came home with the murdered family of rats. Turns out the new bamboo containers are for cooking rice, and that gets underway while WBW goes and has a bath in the pond. Then the rats are ready, along with the rice; those rice-cookers were one-use items as they're all charred now. Night falls and they proceed with their blood feast of rat-family meat and rice. Both the dog and the monkey get offerings of rat meat, and both happily consume it. And the episode ends.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5JA7NxeLuI

special continuity note: As of the time of this review (2/11/2025) this episode (dated 12/26/2024) is the last and most recent one posted on the Wild Beauty / Off Grid Youtube channel. It's not clear when or if there will be any more. I've also heard that they may have switched to a different channel. Come to think of it, I've heard a lot of things. Anyway, if I find any answers, I'll update this note here in this particular review.

acting: There's no acting; this is (now) two women (and their dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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