San Andreas

release year: 2014
genre: zombie survival
viewing setting: home DVD, 8/13/21

impressions: A sudden zombie outbreak forces a few random people to fight to survive.

impressions: This was a weird had zombie elements (including some novel ideas) along with a mad doctor and some vehicular mayhem. I liked the twists, especially the one with the sister. I won't spoil anything. If you like zombie movies, you'll probably like this, but be warned, there are a lot of F-bombs and even more blood and gore.

acting: Jay Gallagher is the tough guy who just lost most of his family. Bianca Bradley is his sister, who's also tough but had to deal with demented human elements. Leon Burchill is the comic relief, though in thsi case that comes with gunplay. Luke McKenzie, unmasked at the end, is a sadistic guard. Berynn Schwerdt is an insane doctor/scientist/madman.

final word: Entertaining, gory, and funny.

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