Yakuza Princess

release year: 2021
genre: drama/action
viewing setting: home Bluray 3/2/23

synopsis: An orphan learns some incredible things on her 21st birthday.

impressions: I don't know. It had promise, but somehow just felt off a lot of the time. It could have been the fact that the non-master level of the protagonist's martial arts somehow allowed her to defeat more skilled opponents. Or it might have been the strange and nearly-meaningless inclusion of an isolated building full of old people. Or maybe it was all of the questions that didn't ever get answered. Otherwise, this was a good attempt at a destiny/legacy/revenge movie, and it did have plenty of fighting and blood. It just didn't all seem to come together coherently.

acting: Masumi is the main hero girl, but doesn't have the widest acting range. Johathan Rhys Meyers is an amnesiac warrior whose role is never fully explained. Tsuyoshi Ihara and Eijiro Ozaki are some sort of rivals in the Yakuza world.

final word: Decent, but it seemed like it should have been better.

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