The People That Time Forgot
McBride: "What is it, Doc?"
Norfolk: "It can only be one thing...prehistoric."
release year: 1977
genre: adventure
viewing setting: home DVD 5/24/23
synopsis: An expedition journeys to the south side of the world in search of some missing people.
impressions: This sequel to the first movie was presented as a rescue mission. It had some good stuff - an icebound ship, a plane crash, native savages, dinosaurs - but also some silly elements. For example, the main hero likes to shoot at just about everything _except_ whatever's attacking the group. I mean, how the hell is shooting into the air any better than just shooting at the dinosaurs? Also there's a "mountain of skulls" which looks like it might have been the inspiration for Castle Grayskull from the He-Man universe. Just like in the first movie, near the end the island/continent just started erupting and falling apart for no reason. Still, it was fairly entertaining, and had an assortment of cast members.
acting: Patrick Wayne (son of John) is the main guy and expedition leader, full of bravery and machismo. Sarah Douglas (who soon went on to be a Kryptonian villain in Superman) is the competent reporter along for the ride. Thorley Waters (a professor/scientist) and Shane Rimmer (the pilot and comic relief) are also along for the ride. On the continent, they also encounter Dana Gillespie (an extremely buxom native woman) and David Prowse (playing a masked executioner.) Doug McClure has a smaller role as the main guy from the first movie.
final word: Decent sequel and adventure in its own right.
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