Wild Beauty - "Overnight in a Cabin in the Wild, Avoid the Rain, Shower, and Cook Wild Beauty Returns, Part 2"

release date: 6/14/2024
genre: wilderness Youtube channel
viewing setting: streaming 2/9/25

synopsis: This Youtube channel shares videos of a woman roaming the wilderness and building, killing, cooking, and eating things.

impressions: This 34-minute episode is part 2 of the new arc featuring (I think) the first or second girl to be Wild Beauty; see last episode's review for my detective work on this subject. This episode begins with her happily marching through the forest, heading for a friend's place. Captions and older video tell the story of how this dude helped free her leg from a heavy rock in July 2023, one year ago...but that got me thinking, the Wild Beauty videos from that time featured a different woman. So was this one being Wild Beauty too, somewhere else, but it wasn't being put on Youtube? Man, the chronology here is really tough to unwind. Anyway, she refers to him as a "very special friend" and mentions that she "kept falling off the cliff." Hmm. His name is Mr. An and she finds his house, which looks a lot like a hobbit's house from the Shire in Lord of the Rings...but he's not there and from the looks of things may not have been there for a while. So she just makes herself at home and takes shelter from the rain, and feeds the monkey as it nestles on her bosom. What a life this monkey has! She makes a broom out of bamboo and cleans up around the outside of the house, then heads into the surrounding forest to cut down big pieces of trees and haul them back to the hobbit-hole. Turns out she's making a ton of wooden discs to finish special friend Mr. An's existing but incomplete front-yard deck. I guess there's nothing else to do when you're crashing at an absent pal's tiny home and he's not there. Then she goes to a stream, uses rocks to block its flow, and strips to take a bath in the resulting pool. Well, I guess that's something else to do. The dog wanders around in the stream before plopping down for a rest. While bathing, Wild Beauty grins and talks out loud in another language - to the dog and monkey, one would assume. After her bath is done, she changes into a black tank top (the old dirty one was white) and launders the dirty clothes and then resumes her wanderings, stopping to collect some nuts on the ground. Back at base, she makes a fire and boils some water (and the crushed nuts) to produce some sort of tea. Meanwhile, the monkey scampers around and under the bridge, while the dog is completely zonked out. As night falls, we see that dinner will be a hunk of red meat, some baby tomatoes, and what looks like a potato; it all gets wrapped in foil and goes into the fire. Meanwhile, a freaky-looking spider hangs out on the wall and watches all of this. While the food is cooking, Wild Beauty goes outside and sits with the monkey, scratching its head as it again lays there against her pillow-ilke chest and looks pretty damn content. Soon, the meal is ready, and she chows down, as does the monkey; the dog, however, has to be called by name in order to get it fed. Typical behavior from that dog! And then...it's bedtime.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMBbFFEGcsQ

acting: There's no acting; this is a woman (and her dog and monkey) doing stuff in the wilderness.

final word: Interesting bushcraft/survival web content.

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